Argentum x ESG100

Argentum is proud to have participated as a sponsor and attendee at this year’s ESG100 event, an annual review of the ESG reporting of the 100 largest publicly listed companies from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, organized by Position Green.

This year’s analysis has focused on how well the 300 participating companies are prepared for the introduction of European standards for sustainability reporting – an important step towards a more sustainable future.

The launch took place at Gamle Logen in Oslo, on September 8th, 2023. Argentum’s own Jon Fredrik Vassengen was present and took part in an engaging panel discussion alongside Lars Grinde from Norvestor. Together, they discussed perspectives on sustainability beyond the stock exchange from a private equity standpoint.

The event reached approximately 1400 people in total and included a strong academic program covering a range of different perspectives on sustainability and ESG.

As investors, we see that an increasing number of fund managers consider sustainability as a value-driving factor. More accessible data, and above all, higher data quality, will be crucial in the times ahead,” said Jon Fredrik Vassengen from the stage.

The report prepared by Position Green can be downloaded and read here